Nothing is truly foolproof; we all know that. Like any other industry, technology has assisted in simplifying a meeting professional's day-to-day work with increased organizational capabilities and a speedy implementation. But if TV themes dictate what the future holds, are we ready for a (technology) apocalypse? What if there are connectivity issues from lack of Wi-Fi, hacked accounts, security threats or worse?
While the best planners thrive in this fast paced, high stress industry, technological issues can turn even the most capable professional into a zombie without connectivity. Consider incorporating these tried and true planning tactics:
Identify a singular point of contact to control technological issues and outages.
Incorporate multiple preliminary tests and equipment checks into virtual and in-person presentations.
Take it old school. Include manual backup activities, schedules, and methods of communication in all aspects of the planning process that do not require constant internet connectivity.
Though not many, if any, new thoughts are out there on this topic, our team works to always stay ahead of the curve. Holding “what if” brainstorming and tactical sessions in advance of an event are vital components for working through every possible preparation or fail-safe. With good plans, you'll avoid the technology apocalypse and you'll keep those planning zombies at bay!
Wingspan Newsletter Volume 98